Grow and invest while improving corporate communication
Inveco Group decides to invest in internal communication to achieve its corporate objectives.
Upon returning from summer holidays, the entire Inveco Group team made use of their time by starting a process aimed at improving "internal communication".
The first session of the course was held on Tuesday 5 September together with the Business Coach, Stefano Orazi.
In this first session, the program of the course was illustrated, the methods of involvement of each resource and the objectives were defined.
In the next month, a new operational organization chart will be developed divided by Business Unit (Renewable Energy - Industrial Construction - Real Estate), the operational job description of both individual resources and departments will be completely revised.
Finally, new "internal communication" procedures will be created which will allow the team to work with greater precision and responsibility, maximizing working time and performance.
Filippo Barbetti - CEO
“We are questioning ourselves!
This aspect is fundamental within the company, we are people and we all have a great need to communicate. I saw a lot of enthusiasm and this leads me to think in the long term, there is a desire to grow and improve, there is a desire to think big.
When you are at the top of a company, of your company, and you perceive these stimuli from your team, you must know how to seize the opportunity and present a project to your collaborators that can improve their lives on a professional and everyday level."
“The Inveco Group staff had the opportunity to discuss the topic of internal communication: being able to share a strategic plan of objectives with all the people who work and transmitting the company culture are two aspects on which it was decided to invest time and resources .
Specialized consultants have shown us how better communication within the company contributes to increasing people's engagement and reaching business goals faster.
The Inveco Energy business unit is evolving very quickly and the set goals cannot ignore an improvement in information flows between the various company functions.
The objective is to increase productivity (operations) on the one hand and at the same time spread a continuous critical comparison that leads to continuous innovation of the services provided to customers."
Matteo Pierotti - PROJECT MANAGER
“Communication is a daily, natural action that puts you in relationship with other people, but this is not always rapid, precise and above all effective as is required in a work context, where everyone must speak 'the same language'.
Correct internal communication contributes to the functioning and development of the company, involving all people more, motivating them and at the same time allowing us to improve the climate and the working environment, making it even more 'ecological'.
So, without a doubt, applause for this initiative!”
“The work done on Tuesday 5 in the company was the starting point for a series of meetings that will lead us to improve company tasks and activities.
This is because the company has been experiencing a desire for improvement and constant growth for almost 2 years now.
I was very impressed by the participation of all the members of the company both physically and mentally during the work done in Team Coaching.
Working together has led them to look at the company and their department from many points of view and this is useful in improving internal communication between departments.
It's the beginning of a journey.”
The recent company growth in recent years, both in terms of staff and volume of business, obliges us to improve both the working environment and the operating procedures and therefore internal communication will have to evolve accordingly.
Over the years, the Inveco Group has always been attentive to growth processes, valuing the team and people first and foremost.
The process undertaken in recent days is testimony to this.